Jag vill passa på lägga upp några av de bilder som jag har haft på min utställning om Kambodja och des själ hoppas att ni tycker om mina bilder.
Jag vill passa på lägga upp några av de bilder som jag har haft på min utställning om Kambodja och des själ hoppas att ni tycker om mina bilder.
Cambodian children sitting on the doorsteps to there wooden home, a small room for the entire family
This man sleeping out on the sidewalk in Phnom Penh infront of a big luxury home, is not an uncommon scene in Cambodia.
This children was playing in hammocks under their house, the family was of to work in a factory and grandmother was looking after them.
This children lives in a small wooden house with dirt floor together with the entire family, their parents are factory workers in the nearby factory.
This is a big family living outside a small hill village in ratanakiri district, Cambodia.
The shabby homes ofer little comfort after a long day of working, the houses become like saunas and most of them do not have more then a small fan to cool down with.
An older women smooking home made cigar sitting under her home in a minority village far outside Ratanakiri, Cambodia